
Yep that’s right, Teisha changed things around again! I forgot my phone and my camera at home, otherwise I’d put up pics, but suffice it to say that it looks REALLY different. Tonight will be the first time that Loui will be in the store since the rearrangement, so that should be interesting :).

It’s been a while…

Wow, September was a busy month for me! I can’t believe that I haven’t posted in over a month, so here’s a quick update. First up’s the Buddy report- as some of you may know, he got stepped on this past Monday, but he’s doing fine now. We took him to the vet; they determined that he had no major injuries and sent him home with some birdy painkillers. He’s still not *quite* himself, but I’m sure by Monday he’ll be as perky as ever! Anyway, we’re at Pagan Pride, and people are finally showing up, so I’ve gotta go!

New Neighbors

Over the last month we have aquired several new neighbors! The first to move in was the state campaign headquarters for Barack Obama. It amuses me mightily that they are only a few doors down from the Libertarians. This area seems to attract campaign offices- our space was once Paul Wellstone’s; and Mike Ciresi’s place was across the street. As a matter of fact, that space is now occupied by Gremlin Theater, who just moved in at the beginning of the month. We’ve met some of the people involved and they seem to be pretty awesome- I can’t wait until their season starts! I haven’t had a chance to check out the last place, Lounge 150 yet, but I think it’s a hookah lounge. I just saw the gianormous hookah drawn on their window as I was leaving last night, so they probably opened up while we were gone.

The next few months should be interesting as we see what kind of people get drawn in to this area. We’ve already had more political people in than normal; my favorite being the republican lady who was really into crystals and was super excited about stumbling upon us (she actually got lost while she was going to pick up lawn signs and found us instead)! Obama’s place got vandalized early Sunday morning, which was not too cool, but I doubt that kind of attention will spill over to us. And it’ll be nice to have a theater crowd around here at night; right now the only other evening draws are the liquor store and the pool hall-not people likely to stop in our store.

Back from Vacation!

We’ve always closed for a week in August since I’ve been around, but usually we use that time to do some sort of project around the store. That’s when we’ve painted, done major rearranging, redone the floors, etc. This was the first time in years that I actually went on vacation during that time and it was great! If you guys have a chance, I’d highly recommend camping in the coastal redwoods- the energy there is fantastic! Soothing yet very intense at the same time.

Anyway, on to actual store stuff 🙂 We’ve gotten in a bunch of new products that I’m pretty excited about! First up are the Gypsy Goddess Sacred Waters. We’ve carried Gypsy Goddess roll-ons for a long time, but never really tried any of their other products. This spring they came out with a product called Golden Goddess Wealth Water which we decided to try it and it’s fantastic! It smells great and a lot of people have said it works really well. Because of it’s popularity, we decided to try some of their other Sacred Waters products, so you should come on down and check them out. We’ve got the Kali, Shekhina, Persephone, and White Buffalo Woman varieties. We also just got in a new type of sage wand. It’s called Mediterranean Velvet Sage and it smells kind of like white sage but sweeter. It’s leaves are also smaller, curlier, and well, velvetier (if that’s really a word). We haven’t had a chance to burn any yet, so I don’t know how it compares on that end of things though. I’ll let you know when I find out!

Goddess Nights

So, Gillian has been pestering me to post about the Goddess Nights that we have been hosting for the last three months. And frankly, I’ve put it off because mostly the words escape me as how to describe these evenings.

If you haven’t heard, Goddess Nights are our monthly, women-only nights of celebrating the Goddess in each of us. We have wine and great food; professional chair massages, tarot readings, meditation and guest speakers. All of this for only $25/person.

While this sounds wonderful, what has been occurring on these evenings has been nothing short of magical. New friendships are being forged, personal breakthroughs happen, pregnancies announced and a true feeling of sisterhood emerges.

About half of our participants are our regular customers who learned about the evening and come as a means to show their support. The other half are people who have some interest in goddess related subjects but until now have been either unable or too shy to find anyone with whom to share their interest. So they timidly come to us.

All tell me they leave the evening profoundly changed.

It surprises no one as much as me how remarkable these evenings are. Partly, these women are coming in with very few preconceptions about the evening and are very open to whatever may happen. But mostly, I think it is because as much ritual as some of us are doing, and whatever dear friendships we have in our lives, we take very little time to truly relish in each others company. Goddess Night seems to allow this to happen.

So, please, come join us. I will not promise anything remarkable, but it is a fine time!

And…I always bring chocolate.

I just found out that Chris Grahams- chiropractor, energy worker and old school friend of Evenstar, is moving to Seattle- good luck there lady!

Ghosts anyone?

So today I had two ladies in telling me that a friend of theirs has some sort of spirit hanging around her house. Her husband died recently and at first it felt like him, but then it changed- it felt different and began to get destructive. And this is the third or fourth incident like this that I’ve heard about in the last couple of months. That’s WAY more frequent than I’m used to and it’s starting to make me wonder what is going on.

It’s pretty normal for me to deal with people who have spirits or what-have-you that take up residence, but those guys are usually pretty easy to deal with. Those people mostly come in themselves, so I can usually get a good feel for what’s going on and give them sound advice. But with these other incidents, it’s the friends that come in. They want to help, but don’t know quite what to do. Someone has just died, and their friend is seeing/sensing stuff and wigging out. They usually can’t give me any detailed information cause it’s not actually happening to them; and since I can’t get a clear idea of what the cause is, I can’t give them specific ways to deal with it. It’s frustrating!

Tonight, just as Teisha was about to leave, one of our favorite customers shows up. We’re having a grand old time, and then a customer who hasn’t been in the store in almost ten years comes in – she’s totally awesome too! She actually wanted to talk to Teisha about renting space and teaching classes so they have a little chat about that while the other customer is talking to Teisha’s kids. Then Teisha leaves and these two ladies start talking. Turns out they grew up in the same city (and it’s not Minneapolis) and they spend the ten few minutes figuring out who they both know from there and other wacky things that they have in common. And then there was also this guy in for the first time who also ended up talking to the second lady. I love it when we can be the space where people can meet just the right person at just the right time 🙂

The Man vs. Clarke vs. Bambi

Well, right after I made a post about getting new consignment into the store, we got in a bunch more: cards, beaded amulet bags and pentacles, and some cool glass jewelry. If that weren’t enough, one of our itinerant suppliers came through town and we got some awesome new gemstone jewelry. She also brought us some bronze thor’s hammers which I love!

Buddy seems to be mellowing out finally too- the last few weeks he’s been just obnoxious. He’s been needing to be on my hands or right beside me almost all the time and super aggressive to boot. There’s nothing more irritating than having a pissy bird pecking at your hands when you’re trying to price jewelry or ring someone up. I’m not sure what was up with him, but it seems to be getting better, which makes me happy.

In other random news, I just found out that the Metaphysical Emporium is now open basically by appointment only, which kinda sucks. From the directions a lady at the store got, it sounds like it’s being run out of a house, but I could be wrong. I don’t know what’s going on there, but I hope that they can stay open- the more metaphysical stores in the twin cities the better, I say. Oh, and Fairy Godmother’s moving too. They’re gonna get a space in Calhoun square, keep both locations open for a while, then close their current space and try to find another space closer to Hennepin.

That’s it for now- people are starting to show up for coffee cauldron, so I’ve gotta go!