
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Yep that’s right, Teisha changed things around again! I forgot my phone and my camera at home, otherwise I’d put up pics, but suffice it to say that it looks REALLY different. Tonight will be the first time that Loui will be in the store since the rearrangement, so that should be interesting :).

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Wow, September was a busy month for me! I can’t believe that I haven’t posted in over a month, so here’s a quick update. First up’s the Buddy report- as some of you may know, he got stepped on this past Monday, but he’s doing fine now. We took him to the vet; they determined that he had no major injuries and sent him home with some birdy painkillers. He’s still not *quite* himself, but I’m sure by Monday he’ll be as perky as ever! Anyway, we’re at Pagan Pride, and people are finally showing up, so I’ve gotta go!

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So today I had two ladies in telling me that a friend of theirs has some sort of spirit hanging around her house. Her husband died recently and at first it felt like him, but then it changed- it felt different and began to get destructive. And this is the third or fourth incident like this that I’ve heard about in the last couple of months. That’s WAY more frequent than I’m used to and it’s starting to make me wonder what is going on.

It’s pretty normal for me to deal with people who have spirits or what-have-you that take up residence, but those guys are usually pretty easy to deal with. Those people mostly come in themselves, so I can usually get a good feel for what’s going on and give them sound advice. But with these other incidents, it’s the friends that come in. They want to help, but don’t know quite what to do. Someone has just died, and their friend is seeing/sensing stuff and wigging out. They usually can’t give me any detailed information cause it’s not actually happening to them; and since I can’t get a clear idea of what the cause is, I can’t give them specific ways to deal with it. It’s frustrating!

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Tonight, just as Teisha was about to leave, one of our favorite customers shows up. We’re having a grand old time, and then a customer who hasn’t been in the store in almost ten years comes in – she’s totally awesome too! She actually wanted to talk to Teisha about renting space and teaching classes so they have a little chat about that while the other customer is talking to Teisha’s kids. Then Teisha leaves and these two ladies start talking. Turns out they grew up in the same city (and it’s not Minneapolis) and they spend the ten few minutes figuring out who they both know from there and other wacky things that they have in common. And then there was also this guy in for the first time who also ended up talking to the second lady. I love it when we can be the space where people can meet just the right person at just the right time 🙂

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So last night was a coffee cauldron night, but I was expecting it to be completely dead because many of the regulars were going to be at Earth House’s Midsummer Gather. Instead it turned into a really awesome night! First off, not everyone was at the gather so there were plenty of regulars around. There were also a few people who hadn’t been in the store in years, who were really fun because they couldn’t believe all the changes that have occured in the last two years. Then there were a bunch of new people that had never been in the store before who were really cool. One lady came in with her daughter, who hit it off with Buddy big time. I’ve never seen him so mellow with a kid- it was amazing! He just cuddled right up and hung out on her for most of time she was there. There was also a lady that was going to be writing her first summer solstice ritual who was completely delightful. She just needed a few ideas from me to get her started and she was off and running:) She ended up falling in love with Nell’s fairy offering bowls, so I think she’s gonna do some sort of ritual involving the Fae. I hope she comes back to tell me what she ended up doing though- everything I heard from her sounded so intriguing!

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Happy Beltaine!!

It’s been a lovely May Day so far- there’s been lots of people in the store and they’ve all been super fun! There were quite a few who had never been in the store before, so it was great to hear all the compliments about our jewelry selection and general “good vibe”. Over the past few days there’s also been a lot of customers who haven’t been in in a long time, so it’s been great reconnecting with them too. It seems like everyone’s going through tough times, but they all seem to have a pretty good attitude about it, or do by the time they leave the store 🙂 Lots and lots of people are having physical problems and/or financial issues- I guess Pluto in Capricorn is already having an effect. Anyway, the fairies are definitely out and about today, so go play!!

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Meet Buddy, Evenstar’s ring-necked turtle dove! Buddy’s eight or nine years old, roughly, and was a donation to the store after our other doves died. Buddy is very, very friendly and loves people. He’s very tolerant of small children, and loves to interact with customers and workers alike. Buddy has a bit of a toe fetish, he will eagerly follow anybody with open-toed shoes around the store, fascinated by their feet, and even will clean toes as well. Buddy is welcome to fly around the store, nesting where he feels comfortable. His favorite spot seems to be the basket of prayer cloth strips behind the counter. He does have a cage and can easily be put in it if a customer is fearful of birds, and he stays in there at night and when he gets to be a bit of a pain. He’s very curious, and enjoys landing on peoples’ heads at the most inconveniant times. He does poop, of course, he’s a bird after all- but the spots are cleaned up right away so the store remains sanitary. Buddy is a sweet, loving pet who is hopefully to remain with us for many years to come.

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Welcome to our new blog!

We’ve been talking about having a blog for almost two years, and now it’s finally here! Even Buddy’s excited- he’s flying all over the place! It’s rainy and grey out, so I’ll probably get the chance to work on some projects around the store. First up is spackling the bathroom wall. We’ve already put the new sink in there, so it’s time to get the rest of the remodel done. Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to work I go!

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