
Archive for the ‘Amusements’ Category

We’ve always closed for a week in August since I’ve been around, but usually we use that time to do some sort of project around the store. That’s when we’ve painted, done major rearranging, redone the floors, etc. This was the first time in years that I actually went on vacation during that time and it was great! If you guys have a chance, I’d highly recommend camping in the coastal redwoods- the energy there is fantastic! Soothing yet very intense at the same time.

Anyway, on to actual store stuff 🙂 We’ve gotten in a bunch of new products that I’m pretty excited about! First up are the Gypsy Goddess Sacred Waters. We’ve carried Gypsy Goddess roll-ons for a long time, but never really tried any of their other products. This spring they came out with a product called Golden Goddess Wealth Water which we decided to try it and it’s fantastic! It smells great and a lot of people have said it works really well. Because of it’s popularity, we decided to try some of their other Sacred Waters products, so you should come on down and check them out. We’ve got the Kali, Shekhina, Persephone, and White Buffalo Woman varieties. We also just got in a new type of sage wand. It’s called Mediterranean Velvet Sage and it smells kind of like white sage but sweeter. It’s leaves are also smaller, curlier, and well, velvetier (if that’s really a word). We haven’t had a chance to burn any yet, so I don’t know how it compares on that end of things though. I’ll let you know when I find out!

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Evenstar muses…on glue

The Man vs. Clarke vs. Bambi

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