
Posts Tagged ‘Lynyrd Narciso’

Vanessa Tarot

Vanessa TarotIf you’re looking for a fun, lighthearted deck that’s girl-centric, then the Vanessa Tarot is for you. Combining postmodern styling and a playful attitude with traditional tarot card meanings is not an easy task, but artist Lynyrd Narciso does an admirable job of it. All of the people in the deck are women and there are many pop culture references throughout. One of my favorite images is the five of wands, in which five bridesmaids strive to be to one to catch the wedding bouquet.

Vanessa Tarot 5 of wands

To me, it captures the energy of the traditional meaning perfectly while also being an image that people can relate to easily. The little pamphlet that comes with the deck is surprisingly good as well. It is organized by number rather than suit and gives good, concise interpretations of the cards. The deck is a little smaller than a standard tarot deck- around playing card size- and comes in an attractive tin box. I suppose that’s to make it more appealing to teen girls, who are obviously the target audience; but I think the Vanessa tarot would make a great beginner deck for anyone looking for a modern deck with a playful spirit.

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